Nutrition counseling client enjoys a hot beverage


Mental Health Insights to Fuel You on This Journey

Why You Don’t Need A Detox

Detox: it’s the new buzz word. It’s being applied to almost everything. A social media detox. A detox from toxic friends. A screen-time detox. But mostly, it seems to be applied to food and body image. The idea is that by engaging in culturally …

Protecting Your Body Confidence: Lessons from Love is Blind

SPOILER ALERTS!!!! OK, you’ve been warned. If you clicked on this, you likely already saw season 3 of the Netflix reality show Love is Blind. If you haven’t and weren’t deterred by the spoiler alert, the concept is a dating show where people get …

Are Carbs Bad for You?

Think about all the food rules, myths about eating, and diets you’ve heard of over the years. Are there any common threads? Do you find any links in their “philosophy?” I’ll give you a hint - it has to do with some of the simple pleasures in life …

Recover to Discover Yourself

Recovering from an eating disorder or even just going on a journey to heal your relationship with food might be the hardest thing you ever do in your life. Which is why so many people never get better. It can be really scary to get started because …

The Laziness Lie 

Are you afraid of being lazy or of being perceived as lazy? Even if you don’t think you are, there might be a tiny part of your subconscious that holds this fear. This is because the society we live in has ingrained into so many of us that laziness …

The Restrict-Binge Cycle: A Never Ending Dieting Story

Ever wonder why you can’t get control over your eating habits? Do you find yourself trapped in a pattern of dieting, over-eating the thing you were restricting/dieting, and then dieting again? I’m here to tell you that it’s not you. You are not the …

What is the Best Diet to Lose Weight?

When you Google “what is the best diet to lose weight” you get about 536,000,000 results. Can you believe that? 536,000,000 notions about the latest and greatest fad diet or product to drop “x amount of weight in x amount of time.” The way our …

Well When I….

When as the last time you had a thought that started with the phrase “well when I”? Maybe it wasn’t that exact phrase. Maybe it could’ve been “once I’m…” or “I can’t because…” or “not right now, but eventually I’ll…”. Was it when a friend asked if …